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Arabesque is the name of a pottery diner and tea service produced by Denby pottery in the UK and was sold in the mid 1960’s and early 1970s’.

It is rustic in style and composed of brown and red patterns, with yellow details.

A wide range of over 30 pieces was available and it is nowadays regarded as beinghighly collectable.

arab5_25p.gif (62069 bytes)

One of the slogans from the 1960’s sums it up rather well:

"Arabesque. Here is the most exciting range of oven to table ware in Britain today. Gill Pemberton designed it. Denby made it. You’ll love it. It’s Arabesque. Colourful Arabesque. Modern Arabesque. Beautiful Arabesque. Practical Arabesque. Your Arabesque."


Joseph Bourne & Sons Ltd

Derby Pottery Nr. Derby

London office & showroom

Thieves Inn House

3-4 Holborn Circus

London EC1

Tel: Fleet Street 5410

[But they have long gone from here……]

Contact Information

Postal address
Lymden Lodge Wallcrouch Ticehurst East Sussex TN5 7JB United Kingdom
Electronic mail
General Information: arabesque@lymden-lodge.com


Send mail to arabesque@lymden-lodge.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: June 24, 1999